Emerce TechLive!

How the magic of data and technology makes our users smile

11:30 30 minutes Tafel 2
Arie-Jan Lommers Marktplaats

At Marktplaats we dream about everyone being able to sell or to buy whatever they want within 5 minutes, with a smile.

For this smile, the human side of commerce will become increasingly more important. Achieving it requires a deep understanding of how people interact with each other. 

 Marktplaats’ Arie-Jan Lommers explains how we use customer’s behavior, data insights and technology like AI, to make people smile and trade on Marktplaats superfast.

Arie-Jan Lommers

Arie-Jan Lommers


Always look for ways to improve the product experience for his customers. That’s what drives Arie-Jan Lommers: Trying new technology, helping customers to make things easier and, most importantly, make them smile.

Before joining Marktplaats Arie-Jan has worked in product management roles for numerous companies like start-ups and Vodafone.

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